Friday, August 15, 2008

Proud to be... Lauryn's sister!

The day has come!  Lauryn has officially graduated from BYU.  In the spirit of getting an education I would like to list some of the many life lessons Lauryn has taught me.
1. Lighten Up! - Once in high school she changed my school password to get onto all the computers.  I discovered this one sunny day at school when I went to the computer lab and I tried to log onto the computer and failed.  Then a ransom note popped up on the screen.  Going back and remembering the note, it was pretty funny.  It had all kinds of inside jokes leading me to what the password would be.  But I freaked out because I was being a little dramatic and thought I had a hacker and I really needed to get working on this project.  So I panicked and thought I would ask Lauryn if she had anything to do with it... DUH!... and the password ended up being LondonFranceUnderpants.  

2. If you fall get up and laugh... literally - Lauryn has always been known for her grace... She can almost make it 5 feet without finding something to stumble over.  Although she might have a few problems with walking, she doesn't let it get her down.  She will either a. trip and move on, just pretend it didn't happen or b. laugh at her self, which is the most common option.  I feel this lesson can be adapted to other scenario's in life then it's literally meaning.

3. "What is right isn't always popular and what is popular isn't always right." - This was actually painted around the border of Lauryn's room when we were younger.  I believe this was around the same time Lauryn LOVED fanny-packs.  If you look through her pictures through a certain age in her life, she is always wearing a bright pink fanny-pack.  And while they are not socially acceptable, they are so convenient and functional.

4. I can do anything - I'm not sure people know the many faces of Lauryn.  I think she has tried everything!  Cheerleading, acting, singing, drawing, painting, volleyball, and let's not forget dancing.  Wow! Her stage preference is any public area with music playing.  I will admit there were times I wanted to run away from her but those were usually the times she was including me in her routine.  Now I miss having someone dance around the store.  This might be because I now enjoy dancing in public places as well.

Lauryn has paved a great path for both me and Taylor to follow in.  She has always been there for me and so supportive.  At pep-rally's and competitions I'm not sure if her or my mom were yelling louder for me.  Lauryn has always motivated me to do more and reach my goals.  I know Taylor and I look up to her so much and want to be the sister, daughter, friend, and now scholar that she is.  : )  

Lauryn I love you so much and I can't wait for you to come home tomorrow so we can crack ourselves up all week long!  


1 comment:

Robyn said...

What a great sis you are! I am glad to see you blogging and look forward to your updates. Go UVU!